Fan Casting Patty Jenkins as Producer of Spider-Man: Legacy

sonictiger made this fan casting suggestion on January 18, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Patty Jenkins as Producer in Spider-Man: Legacy

Patty JenkinsUnited States

53 years old
Patricia Lea Jenkins (born July 24, 1971) is an American film director, screenwriter, and producer. She has directed the feature films Monster (2003), Wonder Woman (2017), and Wonder Woman 1984 (20...
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Spider-Man: Legacy

Spider-Man: Legacy

"The hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody."
by Stan Lee And Steve Ditko
Peter Parker gave up being Spider-Man following the death of his wife Mary Jane Watson during a massive superhuman skirmish in New York. He left his daughter May, and promised that he would return...
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Patty Jenkins is known for her roles in Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984, and Monster. She has been suggested by fans for 750 roles on myCast, including Best Director in Best & Worst Comic Book Castings. Similar people include James Gunn, Guillermo del Toro, and Steven Spielberg. Patty Jenkins was suggested to play Producer in Spider-Man: Legacy by sonictiger. Spider-Man: Legacy has 16 roles, including Composer, Tony Stark, and May "Mayday" Parker.

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