Fan Casting Starlight as Gryffindor in Sorting People into Hogwarts Academy Houses

pakjirasan made this fan casting suggestion on August 21, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Starlight as Gryffindor in Sorting People into Hogwarts Academy Houses

StarlightUnited States

Rebecca Anne "Annie" Campbell (née January) or Starlight is a fictional superheroine in the comic book series The Boys, created by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. As Starlight, she is a member of...
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Sorting People into Hogwarts Academy Houses

Sorting People into Hogwarts Academy Houses

by Super Wahrrior
Characters will be sorted based on their personality, values, and friendships. You may also add real people. Morality will not taken into account (which is why Dolores Umbridge is sorted into Huffl...
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Starlight has been suggested by fans for 107 roles on myCast, including Hottest Female Characters in The Most Attractive and Unattractive Characters in Fiction. Similar actors include Queen Maeve, Buffy Summers, and Hughie Campbell. Starlight was suggested to play Gryffindor in Sorting People into Hogwarts Academy Houses by pakjirasan. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Ada Wong Chi-Hom, Amy Rose, and Eleanor Lamb. Sorting People into Hogwarts Academy Houses has 6 roles, including Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.