Means "bee" in Greek. In Greek mythology this was the name of a daughter of Procles, as well as an epithet of various Greek nymphs and priestesses. According to the early Christian writer Lactantius [2] this was the name of the sister of the nymph Amalthea, with whom she cared for the young Zeus. Later it appears in Ludovico Ariosto's 1516 poem Orlando Furioso [3] belonging to the fairy who helps Ruggiero escape from the witch Alcina. As an English given name, Melissa has been used since the 18th century.
Melissa Gold/Songbird
Melissa Chase
Melissa Shield
Melissa O'Malley
Melissa Duck
Missy Cooper
Melissa Tarleton
Mipsy Mipson
Melissa Hastings
Melissa (Craig of the Creek)
Melissa the Sports Fairy
Melissa Chandler
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