Fan Casting Angela Terlizzi as Angela in Sorting Characters by Name

pakjirasan made this fan casting suggestion on January 3, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Angela Terlizzi as Angela in Sorting Characters by Name

Angela TerlizziUnited States

Angela is a bright and cheerful girl who immigrated from Italy to the United States. She moves to Daytona Beach, Florida in 1954 with her family and joins Maryellen Larkin's class under Mrs. Humphr...
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Sorting Characters by Name

Sorting Characters by Name

The Original
by All Of The Above
Sorting fictional characters by their first names, not including actors or anything. Since somebody has decided to exactly copy this story just know that this is the original, and some people need ...
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0 comments on Angela Terlizzi as Angela in Sorting Characters by Name

Angela Terlizzi has been suggested by fans for 18 roles on myCast, including Angela in Sorting Characters by Name. Similar actors include Karen Stohlman (American Girl), Wayne Philpott, and Davy Fenstermacher. Angela Terlizzi was suggested to play Angela in Sorting Characters by Name by pakjirasan. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Angela Chase, Angie Beers, and Angie (Shark Tale). Sorting Characters by Name has 714 roles, including John, Katherine, and Elizabeth.

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