Fan Casting Maddie the Playtime Fairy as Madison in Sorting Characters by Name

pakjirasan made this fan casting suggestion on January 30, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Maddie the Playtime Fairy as Madison in Sorting Characters by Name

Maddie the Playtime FairyUnited Kingdom

13 years old
(US Name: Maddie the Fun and Games Fairy) It's Sports Day at Golden Palace, but due to Maddie's missing tiara, nobody is having any fun! Kirsty and Rachel spot a group of strange boys who have very...
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0 comments on Maddie the Playtime Fairy as Madison in Sorting Characters by Name

Maddie the Playtime Fairy has been suggested by fans for 20 roles on myCast, including Blue in Fictional Characters by Colours of the Rainbow. Similar actors include Emma the Easter Fairy, Zelda the Gamer Fairy, and Fiona the Flute Fairy. Maddie the Playtime Fairy was suggested to play Madison in Sorting Characters by Name by pakjirasan. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Madison Montgomery, Madison Clark (Fear the Walking Dead), and Maddie Rooney. Sorting Characters by Name has 371 roles, including Cassandra, Katherine, and Lillian.

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