Unfortunately, some tropes just don't travel — or age — very well. They're fine on their home turf, where everyone understands them and knows what value system they're based on. When that trope makes the trip to another country, however, it gets seasick on the way over, arriving at port looking distinctly disheveled and finding itself among strangers who have no idea what it's talking about.
Fan Casting
The Taming of The Shrew
Nolan Campbell
Katherina Minola
The Merchant of Venice
Antonio (The Merchant of Venice)
Portia (The Merchant of Venice)
Launcelot Gobbo
Lorenzo (The Merchant of Venice)
Jessica (The Merchant of Venice)
Isabella (Measure for Measure)
Duke Vincentio
Claribel (The Tempest)
George Banks
Giles Lacy
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