Having donned the hat of "Murphy", you, the creator of this fictitious universe, are entitled, nay, obligated to make sure that whatever can go wrong for your hero will go wrong. The effect is akin to the Chinese proverb of water continuously dripping on a rock: one drop won't even dent it, but a million will crack a boulder. In other words, having your hero lose everyone they love and/or have every dream unfulfilled and broken is the most realistic way to turn a God Amongst Men into a pathetic crying wreck.
Fan Casting
Max Mayfield
Carrie White
Will Byers
Crookedstar (Warrior Cats)
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Sunny Baudelaire
Duncan Quagmire
Isadora Quagmire
Katniss Everdeen
Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Quigley Quagmire
Joyce Byers
Sansa Stark
Arthur Fleck/Joker
Frank Grimes
Shinji Ikari
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