This trope refers to a specific plot that is Older Than Dirt. In it, two heroes are intensely close friends. Unfortunately, one of them (usually the one who's not the main character) dies during the course of the story. The death has a profound effect on the remaining hero, and changes them forever.
Fan Casting
Robert Baratheon
Dean Winchester
Count Etem Dooku
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Captain America (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Winter Soldier (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Robb Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Ned Stark
James Potter I
Sirius Black
Master Eraqus
Dominic Santiago
Sven Holgersson/Shiro (Voltron)
Keith Kogane
Master Xehanort
Marcus Fenix
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