A sweet trope in which a Jerkass develops a nicer attitude over time and becomes a genuinely pleasant person (or, at worst, a Jerk with a Heart of Gold). Usually this can be due to Character Development. A Heel–Face Turn may be involved as well. In some cases this may be a case of Characterization Marches On; as the series progresses, the writers realized that a nicer character fit the changing tone better than the original idea. This trope also covers situations where a character with a Hidden Heart of Gold feels safe enough to show his gentler side (in the presence of the main characters, anyway).
Fan Casting
Mrs. Brill
Bigwig (Watership Down)
Junior Healy
Trixie Young
Trey (The Animals Of Farthing Wood)
Dodie Bishop
Anastasia Tremaine
Rawhide Pride
Thor (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Kei Tsuchiya
Mr. Resetti
Miranda Killgallen
Nick McBride (Prom Night)
TJ Kippen
Regina Mills
Queen Anastasia (Once Upon a Time)
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