A Subtrope of Arc Villain, the Starter Villain ranks the lowest on the Sorting Algorithm of Evil (the heroes have to start off fighting someone). They are the first true threat to the heroes, not just some common Mook who's there to let them show how badass they are. Expect even the weakest member of the heroic team to eventually become more powerful than them (that is, if they survive).
Fan Casting
Steve Farkus
Dennis Carradine (Raimiverse)
Uberto Alberti
Benny (Fallout New Vegas)
Tamir (Assassin’s Creed)
Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Ronan the Accuser (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Gnasty Gnorc
Professor Exclamation (Jack Ampersand)
The Hunter (Little Nightmares)
Mizuki (Naruto)
Father Cornello
Burglar (Spider-Man)
Chameleon (Marvel)
Alfred Stryker
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