Some stories manage a nice balance of silly and serious. But one of the most foreboding aspects of any series about to go a dramatic route for a Story Arc is the sudden ignoring of the 'sillier elements', Comic Relief and other humorous elements of a show — which, if done too obviously, can come across as rather awkward and forced. Sometimes the funnier characters are sent off, leave of their own accord, or are even killed... Occasionally, the writers simply stop talking about the comical characters and focus on the dramatically relevant ones.
Fan Casting
Jar Jar Binks
Batty Koda
Fishlegs Ingerman
Jeremy the Crow
The Seagull Crew
Troublesome Trucks
Boris Goosinov
Gobber the Belch
Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston
Snotlout Jorgenson
Scrat (Ice Age)
Bing Bong
Yeti (Monsters, Inc.)
Lock, Shock, and Barrel
Pedro (Rio)
Nico (Rio)
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