Samus Is a Girl is when an Action Girl is well established as heroic, or otherwise badass, before the first hint that she's female. Whether the initial lack of discernible sex is caused by bulky armor, baggy robes, subtler deliberate deceptions, shapeshifting, an appearance that could be confused for male at a distance or even just the camera refusing to give a clear shot of any distinctly female parts of her, it's still Samus Is a Girl.
Fan Casting
Gwen Grayson/Royal Pain
Red Claw
The Phantasm
Screen Slaver
Evelyn Deavor
Fa Mulan
Kitty Softpaws
Kevin (Up)
Samus Aran
Taskmaster (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Talia al Ghul (Nolanverse)
The ancient one (marvel cinematic universe)
Pamela Voorhees
Trinity (The Matrix)
Captain Phasma
Rey (Star Wars)
Enfys Nest
Lord Dominator
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