With twins, you might get a boy and a girl. But triplets are almost always the same sex. That's what the media seems to think. Usually, they will be all identical, but sometimes, they are all fraternal for easy recognition. In Real Life, identical twins are always both boys or both girls (for obvious reasons), but most triplets are two identical and one fraternal and only have a fifty-fifty chance of all being the same sex. All-fraternal triplets only have a one-in-four chance.
Fan Casting
Harris, Hubert, and Hamish
The Bimbettes
Princess Janessa
Princess Kathleen (Barbie)
Princess Lacey
April, May, and June
Alvin Seville
Simon Seville
Theodore Seville
Brittany Miller
Jeanette Miller
Eleanor Miller
Huey, Dewey, and Louie
Huey Duck (2017)
Dewey Duck (2017)
Louie Duck (2017)
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