A mean kid from school or the neighborhood, who treated people like dirt and ruled over the class with an iron fist turns up again. They were pretty, petty, judgmental, quick to shove other hapless students in their own lockers or slander them to their faces, and now they're... apologizing?
Fan Casting
Dudley Dursley
Gideon Grey
Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Buford Van Stomm
Eric Cartman
Sue Snell
Sunset Shimmer
Pacifica Northwest
Sue Snell (2013)
Steve Harrington
Sonali Matthews
Trixie Lulamoon
Diamond Tiara
Pete Ross (DC Extended Universe)
Scut Farkus
Flash Thompson
Brent McHale
Sue Snell (2002)
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
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