Parental Favoritism is just what it sounds like — one child is given preference over their siblings. In order to qualify, this has to be consistent. One child being asked to do the other's chores because their sibling is sick is not favoritism, although that won't stop the kid lumbered with the extra work from grumbling. But one child having to do all the chores on a daily basis, while their sibling sits and plays video games, is definitely favoritism. PUT THE PARENTS HERE: CHILDREN SHOULD GO UNDER "GOLDEN CHILD" OR "UNFAVORITE"
Fan Casting
Vladimir Harkonnen
Alma Madrigal
Yasuko Hayasaka
Sarah Reed
Randyll Tarly
Karen Beasley (Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin)
Fire Lord Ozai
Diana Goodman
Odin (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
King Lear
Dr. Jake Houseman
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