The Miles Gloriosus (pronounced "ME-lace glor-ee-OH-soos", not "MYLES GLOR-ee-oh-SUS") claims to be some sort of mighty warrior or doer of the impossible. A soldier, Great White Hunter, Gentleman Adventurer, Hunter of Monsters, Superhero or other dangerous occupations are all possible. He is full of boasts about his many adventures, making himself out to be the ultimate badass. But when real danger rears its ugly head, Miles reveals what's Beneath the Mask and proves to be a Dirty Coward, anything but what his stories make him out to be, leaving whoever was foolish enough to be taken in by them to fend for themselves.
Fan Casting
Child Catcher (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
Sir Andrew Aguecheek
Parolles (All's Well That Ends Well)
Gilderoy Lockhart
John Falstaff
Ancient Pistol
Kentin lerhay
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