Role added by connieblackwood on August 6, 2022
This occurs when a character who was previously thought to be relatively ordinary turns out to actually be descended from someone important and powerful, and therefore have access to that status themselves. Although this trope most commonly uses royalty, it can apply to any hereditary position of power in-universe. This trope ONLY applies when the character's true heritage was previously unknown to both the audience and the character themselves.
Fan Casting
Mia Thermopolis
Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
Vanellope von Schweetz
Anastasia "Anya" Romanov
Blair Willows/Princess Sophia
Emma Swan
Princess Rosella
Yakko Warner
Wakko Warner
Flynn Rider
Arthur Pendragon (Shrek)
Rapunzel (Barbie)
Rose Cinderella
Jon Snow
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