Karmic Death is an example of Death by Irony. The writers arrange for the villain to die in a manner that is completely his own fault. Or, at least, obviously not the hero's. If he dies right in the act of attempting to kill the hero, this gives a particularly nice karmic zing. If he attacks after being defeated and then spared by the hero, this is one of the rare circumstances where the hero can dispatch the villain personally and still come across as blameless.
Fan Casting
Staff Sergeant Robert Barnes (Platoon)
Claude Frollo
Sweeney Todd
Alan Yates
Lord Farquaad
Big Jack Horner
Crossbones (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Vladimir Harkonnen
Mary Barrows
Frau Brückner
Chris Hargensen (2002)
Chris Hargensen (2013)
Chris Hargensen
Billy Nolan (2002)
Billy Nolan
Billy Nolan (2013)
Tina Blake (2013)
Tina Blake (2002)
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