The Implied Love Interest is when one character fills the role of a Love Interest to another character in the narrative, or otherwise has a lot of tropes related to being a Love Interest surrounding them, but nothing explicit in the narrative or from the creators is ever stated on the matter. One reason for this trope is in a serial work, it allows the author to gently cover their bums when it comes to either Ship Sinking ("Hey, the ship never set sail in the first place") or Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends ("The potential was there from the start"). The writer may state that they Hooked Up Afterwards, or leave it to the reader's imagination.
Fan Casting
Zach Braun
Magenta Lewis
Miles Morales (Spider-Verse)
Princess Zelda
Gwen Stacy (Spider-Verse)
Sophia(unicorn academy)
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Rory Carmichael (Unicorn Academy)
Hugo Rottenwage
Bert (Mary Poppins)
Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps
Cho Chang
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