Amnesia comes easy in fiction. It is also conveniently specific. A taste of Applied Phlebotinum, a particularly shocking traumatic event, or even a simple Tap on the Head will be sufficient to make your character forget all about who or what they are. In most cases, the character has simply lost their memories, no longer remembering their name, loved ones, or where they came from. This is often the cause for a Quest for Identity. Sometimes, however, it is their personality that has changed. Not only do they not remember who they were, they are convinced that they are someone else entirely. In essence, Bob doesn't just forget that he's Bob, but he thinks he's Alice instead...
Fan Casting
Shadow the Hedgehog
Jason Bourne
Peter Pan (Hook)
Anastasia "Anya" Romanov
Quentin Collins
Dr. Eggman
Chip (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic X)
Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW)
Fleetway Super Sonic
Darth Revan
Peter Bradford/Jeff Clark
Grim Reaper / Wang Yeo
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