A Talking Animal (or at least someone who looks like one) is constantly mistaken for another species as a Running Gag. Often, it can be their Berserk Button, particularly if they consider it a Fantastic Slur. This trope often leads to Insistent Terminology or Have I Mentioned I Am a Dwarf Today?. The Trope Namer is Cow and Chicken spinoff I Am Weasel. Not to be confused with I Am Not Shazam. Compare with Son of an Ape, a variant by which comparing humans to other primates is considered insulting. Contrast with the inversion, Ass in a Lion Skin, for when an animal wants to be taken for another species.
Fan Casting
Verne (Over the Hedge)
Rocket (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Cornelius (Planet of the Apes)
Zira (Planet of the Apes)
Jiminy Cricket
Wakko Warner
Perry the Platypus
Mei Lee
Mr. Pricklepants
Elsa (We're Back)
Jeremy the Crow
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