A character has killed a lot of people, and now they're literally haunted by their actions. The appearance of these ghostly victims is a sign of deeply troubled conscience and the loss of their sanity, often the dead are silent or gesturing towards them, and only the person they're haunting can see them. These visions can occur on multiple occasions plaguing the character until they met a similar fate or worse. If the character has had a chance to repent then this is the sign they're beyond salvation and what awaits them in the next life won't be peace but judgement.
Fan Casting
Lord Banquo
The Vengeful Spirit (The One You Should Not Have Killed)
Andrew (FNaF)
Misao Furukawa
Sarah Fier
Ines (Mad Father)
Collina (Mad Father)
Mourning Mother
Ron (Bad Parenting)
Moira O'Hara
Monika Drevis
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