This is where a fat and a skinny character make up a two-character ensemble. This is usually a comedy trope, usually with the skinny character being the Straight Man, although inversions of this are seen as well. Sometimes both characters are silly and this is often seen in the Terrible Trio type of villains, although there are also examples of heroic, or at least not villainous, pairs who fit this description. They often fit into the tropes of Those Two Guys or Bumbling Henchmen Duo.
Fan Casting
Jasper and Horace
Jasper Badun
Horace Badun
Drake Parker
Josh Nichols
Wario and Waluigi
Sad Sack (The Raggy Dolls)
Brit Crust
Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier
Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch
Bulk and Skull
Clank and Bobble
Clank (Disney Fairies)
Bobble (Disney Fairies)
Rawhide Pride
Lunar Guy
Jon Snow
Samwell Tarly
Tiff Crust
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