The Dirty Coward is the slime of the earth, working exclusively for themselves and shamelessly retreating from harm's way even if that harm is about to hit the All-Loving Hero that just saved their life two seconds ago. They'll take every advantage and are not above using dishonorable tactics and dirty tricks, but they'll cry and moan every time the tables are turned and someone uses the same tactics against them, asks for a volunteer, or reminds them of that promise they made. Often full of vicious plans for anyone they dislike, as long as they aren't in need of that person's skills at the moment.
Fan Casting
Peter Pettigrew
Rooster Hannigan
Big Boy Caprice
Kent Mansley
Heather (Carrie 2013)
Chief ARP Warden William Hodges
Scar (Lion King)
Gríma Wormtongue
Prince Humperdinck
Prince John
Alan Yates
Madison Penrose (My Super Psycho Sweet 16)
Mr. Igor Peabody
Joffrey Baratheon
Nute Gunray
Darkstripe (Warrior Cats)
Draco Malfoy
Gilderoy Lockhart
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