As any shipper knows, continuity is no barrier for The Power of Love. The logical extreme of this is Intercontinuity Crossover Fan Work. As a general rule, this is much more light-hearted and less Serious Business than intra-continuity shipping, favoring the Rule of Funny instead of an unironic OTP. These ships are usually labeled as Crack Pairings, but it's not impossible to make some of them seem like they can actually work, depending on various factors.
Fan Casting
Jack Frost and Elsa
Mordecai and Twilight Sparkle
Gumball and Webby
Hades and Maleficent
Sonic the Hedgehog and Rainbow Dash
Hooty and Duolingo
Jack Frost and Rapunzel
Hiccup and Merida
Hiccup and Rapunzel
Rapunzel and Asha
Megara and Jane Porter
Jasmine and Megara
Jaune Arc and Jessica Cruz
Lord Dominator and Toffee
Timmy and Cindy
Loki and Maleficent
FutureAlchemy (Wilbur & Varian)
Jack Frost and Merida
Vanessa and Megara
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