The good guys don't always have to be warm and cuddly, or even all that attractive for that matter. Sometimes, they're even downright scary. This trope mostly applies to Friendly Neighborhood Vampires, Noble Demons, Uncanny Valley Girls, Benevolent Abominations, Angelic Abominations, etc. Nonhuman characters get this a lot, but it can also apply to full humans who unnerve allies and audience members with their methods or mannerisms. It can also follow a Heel–Face Turn, if the character switching to the side of good retains some moral ambiguity or monstrous traits. Psycho Sidekicks and good-guy (or at least harmless) versions of Stalker with a Crush can fall under this, as well.
Fan Casting
Sam Manson
Wednesday Addams (2022)
Morticia Addams
Maddie Flour
Auntie Whispers
Tristan (Disventure Camp)
Astrid Deetz
Lydia Deetz
Morrigan Crow
Elizabeth (Bobbiedot)
Gomez Addams
Uncle Fester
Grandmama Addams
Pugsley Addams
Wednesday Addams
Thing (The Addams Family)
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