Not all Large Hams have to bellow at the top of their lungs to make their hamminess clear. Enter the Cold Ham, who manages to be both a Large Ham and The Stoic. These types of characters are quiet, reserved, and may speak in a monotone voice, but they still manage to pull off magnificent feats of overacting. Perhaps they swing between the two modes, at one moment being quiet and the next being outrageous. More commonly, this trope comes about when a character delivers their dialogue in a calm voice while the actual words they speak are typical hammy fare. Dramatic hand gestures and flowery dialogue can help sell the effect.
Fan Casting
Vladimir Harkonnen
Adam Smasher
Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Fumikage Tokoyami
Claude Frollo
Pitch Black
Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Mr. World
Mr Freeze (BTAS)
Mizu (Blue Eye Samurai)
AM (ihnmaims)
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