A series introduces a character as sweet and lovable, a fountain of Heartwarming Moments, more comic relief than anything, who likes nothing more than to pet little creatures. They make you adore them, root for them, love them and want to hug them. Then the writers proceed to slowly torment them in front of your very eyes. They destroy everything important to them, kill everyone they love and make them suffer from horrible accidents, diseases and acts of violence, including but not limited to torture, rape or any other Fate Worse than Death. They beat the character with one cruel stroke of fate after another until they are just an Empty Shell of their former cheerful, carefree self.
Fan Casting
Will Byers
Carrie White
Varian (Tangled: the Series)
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Ginny Weasley
Duncan Quagmire
Isadora Quagmire
Sansa Stark
Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Frodo Baggins
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated)
Jennifer Simpson
Jennifer Baylor
Sam Winchester
Fantine (Les Miserables)
Leafpool (Warrior Cats)
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