Teaming up The Smart Guy with The Big Guy (or the Evil Genius with The Brute). Sometimes, Brains and Brawn serve as heroes, but other times they're villains (forming an Evil Duo, often the Quirky Miniboss Squad or part of a Terrible Trio, sometimes being Bantering Baddie Buddies, and very frequently a Bumbling Henchmen Duo). Either way, there tends to be some element of comedy inherent in their natures. If the Brain is ever condescending or mean to Brawn, it's because Dumb Is Good.
Fan Casting
Dan Barrows
Bobby Barrows (Scissorman)
Br'er Fox
Br'er Bear
Edwin Payne (Dead Boy Detectives)
Charles Rowland (Dead Boy Detectives)
Edwin & Charles (Dead Boy Detectives)
Six (Little Nightmares)
Mono (Little Nightmares)
Hylas (Jason And The Argonauts)
Gary Supernova
Scorch Supernova
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