The Black Nerd is a countertrope to common racial stereotypes. Most nerds are portrayed by races who already have the stereotype of being weak or bookish, such as whites, Asians, and Jews. Black people, on the other hand, are often portrayed as jive-talking Soul Brothas, Gangbangers, or Scary Black Men. The Black Nerd upsets these trends by being, well, a Black Nerd. This is especially common in comedies, where writers are often reluctant to feed into racial stereotypes, but need flaws to make their characters funny.
Fan Casting
Erica Sinclair
Lucas Sinclair
Steve Urkel
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
A.J. (The Fairly OddParents!)
Lunella Lafayette (Moon Girl)
Cyborg (Teen Titans)
Tucker Foley
Electro (TASM)
Shuri (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Ray Arnold
Lucius Fox
Miles Dyson
Bumblebee (DC Comics)
Cleveland Brown Jr.
Darius Bowman
Taylor McKessie
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