A man with a beard is a man to be feared. What is it about bad guys and facial hair? For some reason, we often take being clean-shaven as an indicator of being strait-laced and, under more traditional morality, a good person, pure of spirit. In older, simpler days, a traditional hero would not even have five o'clock shadow, even if he's been on the run and well away from his shaving mirror for a week.
Fan Casting
Pendragon (Jack The Giant Killer)
Count Dooku
Dick Dastardly
Ra's al Ghul
Ming the Merciless
Pelias (Jason And The Argonauts
King Aeetes (Jason And The Argonauts)
Captain Hook
Snidley Whiplash
Mandarin (Marvel)
General Zod
Professor Hugo Strange
Doctor Eggman
Ra's al Ghul (Nolanverse)
Cesare Borgia (Assassin's Creed)
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