A stereotype used in various media, growing to prominence in The '90s and the Turn of the Millennium. It is an inversion of Asian and Nerdy, purposefully turning the "model minority" stereotype on its head by having the Asian character in the narrative be the dumbest of the bunch rather than a Stereotypical Nerd, the The Smart Guy, The Perfectionist, or a Book Smart Go-Getter Girl set to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.
Fan Casting
London Tipton
Karen Smith
Karen Shetty
Sadie Hakuta
Penelope Lang
Veronica (Saved!)
Margaux Lee
Tori Phuong-Tran
Brittney Wong
Claudia Kishi
Carmín Laguardia
Park Jin-Eon
Jason Mendoza
Stacy Hirano
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