RAAAAAGH! Characters are so angry, ticked off or shocked that they're literally unable to form a coherent sentence. Other strong emotions are sufficient to render a person unable to speak proper English (or whatever language is being spoken at the time), but shock, anger, and pure rage are the most common. GYAAARRRRGH! It usually takes a little while for him or her to recover, at which point he or she explodes into rage normally.
Fan Casting
Donald Duck
Hal Wilkerson
Dr. Drakken
SpongeBob SquarePants
Fred Flintstone
Bender Bending Rodríguez
Homer Simpson
The Incredible Hulk
Nicole Watterson
Yosemite Sam
Eric Cartman
Horace Nebbercracker
Ricky Thomas
Mr. Johnson
Dr. Robotnik (AoSTH)
Brian Griffin
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