Role added by connieblackwood on December 14, 2022
Yeah, it's the sideburns. They were undoubtedly the defining feature of Seventies male hair, in addition to hair that was worn naturally thick. The other "very 70s" hairstyle is the Afro, immensely popular in the 70s (though it started in the late Sixties) for most African-Americans, but even white guys with curly hair tried to have one. Afros in fiction often tend to be exaggerated for comic effect. Other "very 70s" hairstyles are mohawks and spiked hair. Women's hair was also "hippie-ish" (long and straight) for the first half of the decade and puffy and combed-over during the second half.
Fan Casting
Chris Hargensen
Billy Nolan
Carrie White
Ellen Ripley
Ann Marie
Tommy Ross
Sue Snell
Jackie Burkhart
The fourth doctor
Luke Skywalker
Sandra Tremayne
Michael Kelso
Jennifer Baylor
Laurie Strode
Tracy Albright
Sarah Jane Smith
Jade the Disco Fairy
Julie Albright
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