Fan Casting Lucci Ferreira as Facundo Carmona in Somos los Carmona (Portugal)

marisolestevanez made this fan casting suggestion on November 9, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Lucci Ferreira as Facundo Carmona in Somos los Carmona (Portugal)

Lucci FerreiraBrazil

50 years old
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Somos los Carmona (Portugal)

Somos los Carmona (Portugal)

Del campo a la media casona
by Carlos Oporto, David Bustos y Jaime Morales
La historia se centra en una familia campesina que vive en un pueblo al sur, alejados de la civilización. Cuando el gobierno les expropia su terreno y les pagan mucho dinero, ellos se trasladan a S...
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0 comments on Lucci Ferreira as Facundo Carmona in Somos los Carmona (Portugal)

Lucci Ferreira is known for his roles in Meteoro, Cinderela Baiana, and Paulo Coelho's Best Story. He has been suggested by fans for 7 roles on myCast, including Bahia in Face Claims Sorted by States of Brazil. Similar actors include Wagner Moura, João Miguel, and Erom Cordeiro. Lucci Ferreira was suggested to play Facundo Carmona in Somos los Carmona (Portugal) by marisolestevanez. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Bruno Campos, Erom Cordeiro, and Paulo Rocha. Somos los Carmona (Portugal) has 18 roles, including Carmen Gloria "Yoyita" Carmona Leiva, Camilo Briceño, and Jacinto Carmona Leiva.

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