Fan Casting Claudia Salas as Ángela García Larraín in Solamente Julia (España)

marisolestevanez made this fan casting suggestion on September 23, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Claudia Salas as Ángela García Larraín in Solamente Julia (España)

Claudia SalasSpain

30 years old
Claudia Salas is a Spanish actress, best known for her role as Rebecca on Netflix's "Elite".
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Solamente Julia (España)

Solamente Julia (España)

by Camila Villagrán
El secuestro de su hijo cambió el curso de su vida, aunque Julia ignora que el destino la pondrá nuevamente con su pequeño, cuando acepte el trabajo como empleada doméstica de la familia que lo sec...
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0 comments on Claudia Salas as Ángela García Larraín in Solamente Julia (España)

Claudia Salas is known for her roles in Behind the Door, Malvineitor, and Piggy. She has been suggested by fans for 123 roles on myCast, including Most beautiful woman of Spain 🇪🇸 in Most beautiful woman and Most handsome man of each country. Similar actors include María Pedraza, Ester Expósito, and Georgina Amorós. Claudia Salas was suggested to play Ángela García Larraín in Solamente Julia (España) by marisolestevanez. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Claudia Trujillo and Elisabet Casanovas. Solamente Julia (España) has 16 roles, including Isabel Larraín, Julia Sepúlveda, and Maximiliano Carvajal.

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