A computer program created to resemble and act like a person in order to facilitate research. It "looks like a pleasant, fifty-ish, silver-haired, bearded man with bright blue eyes, wearing a V-neck sweater over a work shirt, with a coarsely-woven, tweedy-looking wool tie. The tie is loosened, the sleeves pushed up." Funny thing is, the Librarian is pretty self-aware for a computer program. Part of this is because it was written with "the innate ability to learn from experience" but it also occasionally takes something seriously that Hiro had meant as a joke, leading Hiro to suspect that the Librarian may be pulling his leg, playing him for a fool.
Hugh Laurie
Stephen Merchant
Stephen Fry
Anthony Stewart Head
Adam Godley
Paul Bettany
Simon Pegg
Pierce Brosnan
Richard E. Grant
Paul McGann
Michael Emerson
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