Fan Casting Ainsley Schlimme as Wave in Shang Chi 2: Negative Twist of the Ten Rings

ainsleyschlimme made this fan casting suggestion on March 21, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Ainsley Schlimme as Wave in Shang Chi 2: Negative Twist of the Ten Rings

Ainsley SchlimmeUnited States

21 years old
Not a real actor, just a cringe wannabe with learning disabilities.
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Shang Chi 2: Negative Twist of the Ten Rings

Shang Chi 2: Negative Twist of the Ten Rings

by Marvel
After Shang-Chi suceeds defeating the threatening Great Protector, Shang Chi and his friends' journey is far from over. Xialing becomes the new leader of the Ten Rings, to upgrade their strengths a...
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Ainsley Schlimme has been suggested by fans for 268 roles on myCast, including Teen Satine Kryze in Obi-Wan Kenobi Series. Similar actors include Alexa wolf, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Florence Pugh. Ainsley Schlimme was suggested to play Wave in Shang Chi 2: Negative Twist of the Ten Rings by ainsleyschlimme. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Liza Soberano. Shang Chi 2: Negative Twist of the Ten Rings has 21 roles, including Shang-Chi, Iron Fist, and Amadeus Cho.

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