Fan Casting Heath McIvor as Writer of Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie

isaacfilms made this fan casting suggestion on June 4, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Heath McIvor as Writer in Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie

Heath McIvorAustralia

44 years old
Heath McIvor (born: August 17, 1980) is an Australian comedian and puppeteer known for being the creator of "Randy Feltface".
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Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie

Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie

Original idea
by Sammy J and Heath McIvor
Sammy j and Randy what to make it into Hollywood to become the greatest comedians in the world.
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0 comments on Heath McIvor as Writer in Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie

Heath McIvor is known for his roles in Randy Writes a Novel, Randy Feltface: Purple Privilege, and Randy is Sober. He has been suggested by fans for 5 roles on myCast, including Writer in Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie. Similar people include Michael Keaton, Randy Feltface, and Sammy J. Heath McIvor was suggested to play Writer in Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie by isaacfilms. Other people sugggested to play this role include Sammy J. Sammy j and Randy's Big Movie has 6 roles, including Cameos, Randy Feltface, and Director.

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