Fan CastingSaban's Big Bad Beetleborgs
by Haim Saban
Story added by superpowerultimatechampiondigimonrangers on July 3, 2024
Set in the fictional town of Charterville, three "typical average Teenagers", Drew (Richard Nason), Caorl (Amy Jo Johnson), and Roland (Rugg Williams), enter the supposedly haunted Hillhurst Mansion after accepting a dare from rich snobs Van and Trip. The house is revealed to be the home of real monsters when the kids accidentally bump a pipe organ, releasing a phasm named Flabber (Billy Forester). He proves to be friendly, and in return for releasing him, offers to grant them one wish. They wish to become their comic book heroes, the Big Bad Beetleborgs. However, this also brings the Beetleborgs' sworn enemies to life: the Magnavores, more
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