The story tells of a Sith Lord known as Faora, real name being Jurcy, who left and betrayed the Sith Empire, her mentor and the dark side, due to her regret of her own actions, especially an event that marked her for life, so she escapes and flees from the Sith and the Imperial who seek to kill her, She wants to face her life, and that is to end her dark side and above all, find peace and light within herself, but looking for a life in which she is neither a Sith nor a Jedi, but knowing that they will not rest in finding her, she decides to survive in her own way.
Fan Casting
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
LaKeith Stanfield
Judi Dench
Jamie Campbell Bower
Andy Serkis
Margaret Qualley
Chris Hemsworth
Steven Yeun
Patrick Stewart
Ray Park
This story does not allow contributions.
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