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Fan Casting Rita Phillips(R.P.D. Detective)

Role added by amywillis90sbaby on May 30, 2023

Description of Rita Phillips (R.P.D. Detective):

Rita Phillips was an officer of the Raccoon Police Department, she admired Marvin Branagh. During the outbreak, Phillips discovered the existence of a secret tunnel from the building's art museum past, suggesting an escape route through the sewers, but was ignored due to the likelihood that there would be zombies infesting the channels. Instead, she and her fellow officers, devised a final desperate escape plan by using the station's long-forgotten vent shaft tunnels. Rita escaped, and returned at the front gate in a tactical van, but another attack occurred, Marvin, had to be left behind as he was mortally wounded. Despondent upon being unable to save all but Kevin, she broke down in tears.



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