Nathan Wallace is a skilled doctor and the father of Shilo Wallace. His late wife, Marni, tragically died after ingesting a medicine of his creation, which had been poisoned by Rotti Largo in revenge for her leaving him. Left to raise Shilo alone, Nathan was overcome with guilt and grief and allowed himself to be coerced into secretly working for GeneCo by Rotti Largo. He keeps Shilo dependent on him and housebound by secretly drugging her in an attempt to hide his true identity as the feared Repo Man.
Fan Casting
Wes Bentley
Ryan Gosling
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Stuart Townsend
Luke Evans
Ralph Fiennes
David Harbour
John Barrowman
Ioan Gruffudd
Jason Isaacs
Joaquin Phoenix
Henry Cavill
Hugh Jackman
Daniel Craig
Tom Hiddleston
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