Fan CastingRed Hood & The Outlaws
Batman Cinematic Universe, Phase 2, Film 6
by aluminumforest & DC Comics
Story added by aluminumforest on November 22, 2021
The fifteeth film in my Batman Cinematic Universe (though I am allowing myself to use a few specific characters here just so this movie actually works)! The plot for this one goes as follows: After failing to make Batman kill The Joker, Jason Todd flees to a small town in Arizona and decides to act as a vigilante in said town. The townsfolk don’t trust him, and so, the richest man in town, William Mallory, along with his brother, Andy, become the duo: Wrath and Scorn, who attempt to bring Jason in. Everything is also thrown on its head when an alien pod nearly crashes into Jason’s van, and Jason befriends an alien named Koriand’r, along more
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