Arthur Morgan, the protagonist of "Red Dead Redemption 2," is a complex and compelling character whose journey forms the emotional core of the story. Arthur is a fiercely loyal and trusted member of the Van der Linde gang, led by Dutch Van der Linde. He serves as Dutch's right-hand man and enforcer, carrying out the gang's missions and ensuring their survival. Arthur's personality is shaped by his rugged upbringing and the harsh realities of the American West. He is a rugged and weathered outlaw, known for his physical strength, formidable combat skills, and survival instincts. Despite his rough exterior, Arthur possesses a deeply introspective and contemplative nature.
Fan Casting
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Henry Cavill
Andrew Lincoln
Bradley Cooper
Travis Fimmel
Jensen Ackles
Brad Pitt
Brandon Sklenar
Hugh Jackman
Charlie Hunnam
Milo Gibson
Alan Ritchson
Anthony Starr
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