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Fan Casting The Riddler(Eddie Nashton/Edward Nygma)

Role added by jorgeemiliodeleonsilva on February 16, 2022

Description of The Riddler (Eddie Nashton/Edward Nygma):

Eddie Nashton, or now Edward Nygma, was a forensic who used to work at the GCPD, but was fired when he accidentally let escape a very dangerous criminal. That made him turn against the GCPD. Using his knowledge in Forensics, he decided to become a creepy mysterious criminal called The Riddler. He has no qualms about hurting children or animals. With the help of street goons, he extorts cops so they abduct innocent people and he uses them as test subjects for his riddle machines. His lethal riddle machines will kill those who are trapped in them if they answer wrong his riddles.


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Physical Appearance of The Riddler
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