Fan Casting Gandalf as Most Wanted Multiversus Character in Ranks

tomzillawash3r3 made this fan casting suggestion on May 12, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Gandalf as Most Wanted Multiversus Character in Ranks

GandalfNew Zealand

Gandalf (originally a Maiar known as Olórin) is the main protagonist of the Arda universe of J.R.R. Tolkien, which is mainly focused on Middle-earth, and ultimately, the main protagonist of the Mid...
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Gandalf has been suggested by fans for 206 roles on myCast, including Best Movie Character in The Mycast Awards. Similar actors include Harry Potter, Frodo Baggins, and Albus Dumbledore. Gandalf was suggested to play Most Wanted Multiversus Character in Ranks by tomzillawash3r3. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Michael Jordan, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and Mr. T. Ranks has 407 roles, including Greatest Movie of All Time, Cartoon Character, and Actress.

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