Fan Casting Merian C. Cooper as Producer of Raiders of the Lost Ark (1941)

user_251425 made this fan casting suggestion on February 20, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Merian C. Cooper as Producer in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1941)

Merian C. Cooper

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Merian Caldwell Cooper (October 24, 1893 – April 21, 1973) was an American aviator, United States Air Force and Polish Air Force officer, adventurer, screenw...
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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1941)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1941)

by Republic Pictures
A few years before World War II, Nazi Germany was searching for supernatural artifacts. In this case, they were searching for The Ark of the Covenant, which held the remains of the tablets of the T...
See Story

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0 comments on Merian C. Cooper as Producer in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1941)

Merian C. Cooper is known for his roles in King Kong, The Quiet Man, and The Searchers. He has been suggested by fans for 35 roles on myCast, including Based on the Story by in Disney's King Kong. Similar people include Ernest B. Schoedsack, Willis O'Brien, and Peter Jackson. Merian C. Cooper was suggested to play Producer in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1941) by user_251425. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1941) has 10 roles, including Dr. Henry Jones Jr., Rene’ Belloq, and Marion Ravenwood.

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