Fan Casting New Zealand falcon as Birds of Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili and trail to the haunted forest

user_158411 made this fan casting suggestion on March 4, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

New Zealand falcon as Birds in Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili and trail to the haunted forest

New Zealand falconNew Zealand

The New Zealand falcon (Māori: kārearea or kāiaia | Falco novaeseelandiae) is New Zealand's only falcon. Other common names for the bird are bush hawk and sparrow hawk. It is frequently mistaken fo...
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Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili and trail to the haunted forest

Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili and trail to the haunted forest

Stay away from the lurked monster
by Blender, Bandai Namco, and miHoYo
Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili wanted to go to the haunted forest along with Hu Tao and the girls. They were too afraid of the dark, so they try to explore the dark forest and away from the monst...
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0 comments on New Zealand falcon as Birds in Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili and trail to the haunted forest

New Zealand falcon has been suggested by fans for 6 roles on myCast, including Birds in Animals that should appear soon in Zootopia. Similar people include Laughing Owl, South Island Giant Moa, and Haast's Eagle. New Zealand falcon was suggested to play Birds in Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili and trail to the haunted forest by user_158411. Other people sugggested to play this role include Kiwi (Bird), Laughing Owl, and Haast's Eagle. Princesses Asuka Kazama and Lili and trail to the haunted forest has 53 roles, including Belong(s) To:, Animated In:, and Ganyu.

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