Fan Casting Apidium as Eden in Prehistoric Planet (Season 4)

jasonrivera made this fan casting suggestion on July 2, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Apidium as Eden in Prehistoric Planet (Season 4)


The genus Apidium (from Latin, a diminutive of the Egyptian bull god, Apis, as the first fossils were thought to be from a type of a cow) is that of at least three extinct primates living in the ea...
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Eden (Episode 1)


Prehistoric Planet (Season 4)

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Prehistoric Planet (Season 4)

Prehistoric Planet (Season 4)

Ember Ballad
by Apple TV+
Find out how life was after the great Mesozoic era when huge mammals began to rule the earth until the appearance of the first humans.
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0 comments on Apidium as Eden in Prehistoric Planet (Season 4)

Apidium has been suggested by fans for 12 roles on myCast, including Oligocene in Extinct Animals Face Claims. Similar actors include Basilosaurus, Andrewsarchus, and Chalicotherium. Apidium was suggested to play Eden in Prehistoric Planet (Season 4) by jasonrivera. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Leptictidium, Uintatherium, and Gastornis. Prehistoric Planet (Season 4) has 5 roles, including Aztlán part 1, Asura, and Vanara.

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